Quieter Home Program
San Diego Airport Area, San Diego, CA
The San Diego International Airport is the busiest single-runway commercial service airport in the nation and is home of the nation’s largest remaining Residential Sound Insulation Program (RSIP). Federally funded by the FAA, the goal of Quieter Home Program is to reduce interior noise levels inside eligible homes located in surrounding older neighborhoods that fall within the airport’s flight path. These neighborhoods include Point Loma, Ocean Beach, Uptown and Golden Hill. Many of these communities include historic residences and districts requiring identified historical residential properties to receive treatments in accordance with The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.
Since 2006, Heritage Architecture & Planning has teamed with The Jones Payne Group to support the FAA and the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority with this program. Acting as the historic architectural consultant and architect of record for the program, Heritage was instrumental in assisting with the Programmatic Agreement Update between all the participating agencies. The Preservation Planning Division of Heritage currently aids the FAA and Airport Authority in meeting its Section 106 obligations through ongoing historical surveys and individual property reports completed by our Secretary of the Interior’s Standards Qualified staff members. Heritage’s Architectural Division meets with individual homeowners, conducts field work to document existing conditions at each property, prepares construction documents, assists during bidding, processes construction documents for permits through the City and assists the Airport Authority staff during construction.
- San Diego Regional Airport Authority
- Section 106
- Construction Documents
- Construction Observation
- Public Meetings
- Ongoing
- ♢San Diego Historical Resources Board (HRB)